Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"All they want to hear about is what a hot shot their son is..."

"I lie like a madman." -Holden Caulfield

Holden's told us that he likes to lie several times before, but really we just have seen smaller ones up to this point. In chapter 8, Holden really lets loose with the lies. He opens up (if you can consider the lies he is telling opening up) to a classmate's mother, and basically tells her nothing but lies. He lies about his name, that he needs an operation, about why he's bleeding, and about Ernest Morrow (the son of the woman he is talking to on the train).

We know Holden doesn't think well of Ernest, he tells us how much he can't stand him. But for some reason, he makes up extremely elaborate and detailed lies to make Ernest look like not just a good person, but a great person in his mother's eyes. Why do you believe Holden did this despite the fact that he can't stand Ernest? Holden has told us multiple times how much he hates being phony and how he hates when other people are phony. Why not just make a tiny lie or two so that Ernest looks good and then be off the topic?

Put yourself in Holden's situation with the example below: 

You run into the mother of a boy from your math class. She is worried that her son, Richard, is smart, but doesn’t apply himself in class. She worries that he will fail if he doesn’t apply himself. You know Richard answers the occasional question in class (and gets it right), but he usually stays quiet and stares out the window.

What would you say to Richard's mother? I mean, you know Richard seems to know his stuff even if he doesn't answer every question in class, but at the same time his mother is worried about him. Would you lie to make Richard's mom not worry? Or would you fear that if you don't be honest with her that maybe Richard's grades will get worse and eventually drop out of school or fail?

What would you say to her?


What do you think Holden would say to her?

Just some questions and ideas to try getting you into the mind of Holden Caulfield :-).

That being said, your homework has relatively little to do with the actual events of this chapter since we've talked quite a bit about Holden's lying already. However, we haven't talked much about the time period of the story: the 1950's. One of my favorite things about reading (or writing for that matter) is that everyone paints themselves a different mental picture of what they read: how the characters look, how they sound, what the area they live in looks like, or what is interesting and popular during that time.

So to help you guys understand the 1950s United States that Holden lives in a little better, I would like you to read chapter 9, and do the following based on the card you picked in class:

Spades: Look up the fashion styles of the 1950s. What looks were popular for men and women? What designs or brands were big? Find some information and pictures regarding these ideas and bring them in to class on Thursday.

Diamonds: Like any age, music is constantly changing growing and adapting. What were some of the most popular styles of music in the United States during the 1950s? What were some of the most popular musical artists? Find some information regarding this, choose a song from Youtube your group think well represents one of the top musical styles of the 1950s, and be prepared to share your information and the song with us on Thursday.

Clubs: Pop culture isn't just a thing of today. Movies from the 1950s (give or take a decade) are considered by some to be the golden age of movies (a distinction some believe sits on the line between what you can call a "film" versus a "movie"). Find out what films were popular during this time period in the United States, and bring in some information regarding the popular styles/actors/actresses. Additionally, find a clip online of a scene or song from a popular movie in the United States during the 1950s. Be prepared to share what you find.

Hearts: Why hasn't Holden been texting? I wonder if Holden would have a twitter account. The technology of the 1950s probably seems "primitive" compared to the technology we have today. What was the most dominant form of media? Were there any hand-held devices like we have today? Find some information and pictures regarding the "most recent" technology during the 1950s and bring it in to share with the class on Thursday.

Have a great day, ladies and gentlemen! Keep up the great work! :-)

Friday, March 22, 2013

"I decided I'd take a room in a hotel in New York..."

There are moments in life where we all just feel like running away from it all. If stress can't be lowered, can we at least outrun it? Maybe for at least a little while? Some people feel that this stepping away from our problems is essential. For example, some schools/businesses REQUIRE their researchers/employees to take a mandatory (not optional) leave for a break. Its proven to help us live longer, feel more relaxed, and come back to life/work with a fresh start after some well deserved rest and relaxation (R & R).

All of us have a different idea about what is necessary for a "relaxing escape". For some, hiking/mountain climbing/jet skiing or other challenging/extreme activities seem like the perfect way to relax. Others prefer some time exploring a new city/country they have never visited before. Others yet, find both these options too exhausting, and maybe even more stressful than just going to work and instead prefer a retreat to a quiet, secluded place or a "stay-cation" a week at home with nowhere to be and nothing to do.

What's your idea of the perfect retreat to recharge yourself against the stresses of everyday life?

Holden's choice in chapter 7 is listed amongst the choices above. He's decided he's going to spend a few days wandering New York City in hopes that this R & R will help him feel nice and refreshed and give him a good start for when he returns home on Wednesday or Thursday. Based on what we know about Holden, how do you think it will go?

For homework, choose one of the following quotes below that you feel best describes what Holden's mentality (thinking process) will be throughout his trip, or whether or not he will achieve the R & R he is looking for on this adventure. Post your quote, interpretation of the quote, and your thoughts about how it describes how Holden's adventure will go in the comments section below.

When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680)

To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.
Natalie Goldberg

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)

To be an adult is to be alone.
Jean Rostand (1894 - 1977)Thoughts of a biologist (1939)

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

That's the secret to life... replace one worry with another....
Charles M. Schulz (1922 - 2000)Charlie Brown

Keep up the great work, ladies and gentlemen! Have a great weekend (or happy Monday depending on when you are reading this :-P)

Monday, March 18, 2013

"I'm a pacifist, if you want to know the truth."

Regardless of how nice we can be, sometimes there's moments where we can't bare to look at someone or face someone because of anger or because we are upset. While it would be best to just get up and walk away in these situations, many of us don't. Research tends to say that in stressful situations our bodies prepare us for "fight or flight". In other words, your body gets prepared to do one of two things: 1) Stand tall and face your enemy head-on. 2) Turn the other way and run as fast as you can. Which does it seem like Holden does in chapter 6?

Holden experiences a bit of what we call "seeing red", which means we basically become blind with anger, and more often than not this is followed by doing or saying things that we normally wouldn't say or do...and later on regret. Take a look at the language use in chapter 6, within the first paragraph we can already tell Holden is not just upset like he normally seems to be, he seems to be filled with a lot more anger than we've seen in him previously.

What ends up pushing Holden over the edge? Why does he get so mad over Stradlater simply walking in the door? Why does Holden refuse to stop even when Stradlater gives him a chance to? Do you think you would have reacted the same as him in that situation?

For homework, CHOOSE ONE of the two options below and post your answer in the comments below:

1) When all is said and done, we find Holden on the floor, searching for his hunting cap (which he finds). Why now of all times is Holden trying to find his hat? What does it mean to him here? Do you have an item or activity that you always hold or do when you're feeling upset? If so, what is it and why does it comfort you?

2) What would you do in Holden's situation? If you just had a fist fight with your room-mate (ending in your loss) what would you do from here?

Have a great day everyone! Keep up the great work, and keep being curious! :-)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"It looked too nice..." (Salinger 36)

"...I went over to my window and opened it and packed a snowball with my bare hands. The snow was very good for packing. I didn't throw it at anything though. I started to throw it. At a car that was parked across the street. But I changed my mind. The car looked so nice and white. Then i started to throw it at a hydrant, but that looked too nice and white too." (Salinger 36)

From what we've talked about over the past couple of days (think of the rating scales) many of you commented that you felt Holden is not really mature. Of course, most of us aren't mature as teenagers, but many of us still tend to view Holden as immature. In chapter 5, we start to encounter one of the many symbolic elements of Catcher in the Rye that for some us starts to change our ideas about Holden's immaturity. Symbolism means "the use of symbols to show ideas or qualities"(www.dictionary.com). 

Like most other novels we read, Catcher in the Rye has some symbolic events and items. Some will be displayed through characters, and some will be displayed through Holden's thoughts and questions. They tell us more about how Holden thinks and how he feels about the world around him. Furthermore, its these symbols that can sometimes change how we view Holden, or characters we encounter in any other novel. 

However, symbols aren't reserved just for novels of course. Symbols are a part of our lives. Flags, art, music, movies, can be symbolic of other ideas and thoughts. Some symbols bring feelings of comfort, some bring feelings of concern, and others can bring feelings of joy. There is, of course, no limit to what symbols can represent.

Speaking personally, nature has always been a very comforting and relaxing symbol for me: trees, plants, forests, all of nature reminds me of the great strength that comes in the ability for plants to adapt, grow, and push forward. I can't enter a forest or be around nature without feeling amazed about how long it took for it to form, how much has the forest lived through (historically speaking), and how many struggles (winters, wars, insects, other trees or plants taking sunlight and water away from them) they have made it through and still exist today.

Holden, has a few of his own symbolic moments in the story. The snowball/snowfall is one of them. Why is Holden so drawn to this snowball? Why is the fact that a car and fire hydrant looking so pretty stop him from throwing the snowball at it? What does everything looking nice and white mean to Holden? What does it represent?

For homework, I want you to search online for what the color white is symbolic of. Choose what you think is the best definition of what the color white symbolizes to Holden in this moment in the novel and why. Then, share something you feel is very symbolic to you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Jane Gallagher...you're damn right I know her"(Salinger 31)

"When the character of a man is not clear to you...look to his friends" -Japanese Proverb

We all require friendships in our lives. A social life is essential to a long life, to relieving stress, and to our overall happiness. However, up to this point in Catcher in the Rye, it almost seemed as if Holden can't stand most of his "friends". Not to mention that he doesn't usually have many good things to say about them. For example, Holden gets very, very picky/upset over even the SMALLEST of things that Ackley and Stradlater do.

However, this suddenly changes with the appearance of a new character in chapter 4 who Holden was old friends with: Jane Gallagher. Holden doesn't seem to have a single negative thing to say (or think) about Jane. How quickly has Holden resulted to mocking/insulting the characters he has introduced us to in the past? Sometimes the first line Holden talks about someone new he comes out complaining...but not Jane Gallagher. Holden seems to think of her quite differently. He gets excited over hearing her name (did we even know Holden could get excited over something), he can't stop talking about her, and he continues talking about her even though he knows Stradlater doesn't want to hear a word of it. 

This being said, when Stradlater suggests Holden go meet her, he backs down. He shies away from seeing someone he actually gets happy about. This almost feels like it goes against everything we just thought about how Holden feels about her...

This being said, for homework I want you to read Chapter 4 of Catcher in the Rye and then do the homework assignment below based on the group you were assigned in class.

Spades: What reasons could Holden have for shying away from seeing Jane Gallagher when he seems so interested in knowing she's there? (4-5 Sentences)

Diamonds (It looks long, but it's not! Don't worry!:-P) : We know Holden can get angry about the smallest details in some of his friends (Ackley/Stradlater), but yet he loves some of the smallest details about things that Jane does. Choose one of the things Holden mentions about Jane Gallagher in Chapter 4 and explain why you believe it is something that Holden would hate if one of his other friends did, but really likes it when Jane does it. Note: There are only a couple of these in chapter 4. So if you are having trouble coming up with an original response, comment on someone else's response from your group instead by providing additional support or your own explanation. (3-4 Sentences)

Hearts: Find a song or poem you believe describes how Holden might feel about Jane Gallagher. You may choose one in English or Korean, but if you choose one in Korean, make sure you explain the song or provide an English translation of the lyrics (I need to make sure you're not just giving me a random song that's not related :-P). Be sure to explain why you feel it shows how Holden feels. Post a link to the lyrics/song below with your explanation. (3-4 Sentences)

Clubs: Based on how Holden has described Stradlater, find a picture of someone on line that you think matches how Holden wants us to picture him. Be sure to provide an explanation for why you feel it accurately shows how Holden wants us to see/think of Stradlater (3-4 Sentences).

Have a great night everyone! Don't forget we have a quiz on previewing/critical thinking on Thursday. Keep smiling. :-)

Friday, March 8, 2013

"I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life..."(Salinger 16).

"I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera." 
-Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye: Chapter 3

Now, it's no secret that we all lie. In fact, social media expert Pamela Meyer says:
"On a given day, studies show that you may be lied to anywhere from 10 to 200 times. Now granted, many of those are white lies. But in another study, it showed that strangers lied three times within the first 10 minutes of meeting each other." (2011)

In other words, we are no strangers to lying, whether we ourselves lie, or we can tell when other people are lying to us. However, how does it change the way we view the story? If I told you I compulsively (often) lie, and then told you a story about my life, how much of it would you believe? Would you not trust anything I say? Would you only trust bits and pieces? Would you think I was being honest with you, and not lying at all (at least for the story I tell you)?  

Or would you think like our friends from Gaelic Storm? Who (in fine Irish music) remind us: 
Don't let the truth get in the way of a great story.

With these thoughts in mind, choose ONE of the options below and post your answer in the comments section below:

Choice/Option 1
1) Go to http://www.quotationspage.com/subjects/lies/
2) Then choose one of the quotes that you feel best describes how you feel about telling lies or telling the truth. 
3) Share that quote here, and explain how this quote shows how you feel about the fact that Holden may be lying to us about certain parts or all of this story. (3-4 Sentences)

Choice/Option 2
1) Choose a quote or line from chapter 3 where you think Holden is lying to us.
2) Share the quote below with your explanation of: why you think Holden lied and what do you think the truth is. (3-4 Sentences)

Have a great weekend, ladies and gentlemen! Unless you're waiting until Monday to do this, then happy Monday to you! :-)
Keep up the great work, keep smiling, and strive to do great things!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"If you really wanna hear about it..." (pg. 1)

Within the first sixteen pages of Catcher in the Rye, we already get painted a very interesting picture of our main character: Holden Caulfield. He's a character that some readers hold close and dear to their hearts, and a character other people tend to just downright hate. But what does it mean if we say we hate Holden? 

Many writers tend to put some of themselves in their characters: Neil Gaiman says his young adult novel "Coraline" came in part from an experience he had as a child,  Jerry Spinelli says the character Stargirl of his young adult novel "Stargirl" is modeled after his wife, whom to this day he still says is his Stargirl. The Catcher in the Rye is often placed in the same group as these other books. For example here's a few similarities between Holden Caulfield and it's author, J.D. Salinger (without saying too much about how the story goes from here):

Holden Caulfield (One artist's idea or creation of him)
1) Fails out of Pencey Prep, Alkin Hills, and Whooton schools
2) Comes from a wealthy family in NYC
3) Doesn't seem to like people very much.
4) Only did well in English class at Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania

J.D. Salinger (Nice suit jacket!)
1) Was kicked out of several colleges
2) Comes from a family in NYC that owned an import business.
3) Lived his adult life as a recluse (stayed in his house, never left, and was away from people).
4) Started getting into writing and English while attending college in Pennsylvania.

This being said, tonight's homework is to read the first sixteen (16) pages of CITR and answer the following question in the comments section below: What are your first impressions of Holden? Choose an adjective you feel describes him, and then share the adjective followed by a reason why you feel that way (what quote or moment in the first sixteen pages made you feel that way about Holden?)
For example, you may want to think about the following formula for your comment setup:

Adjective (1-2 Words):  Reason/Quote or moment from text (3-4 sentences)

Have a great day, you readers of a rambunctious rabble-rouser! Keep smiling and take it easy.