Regardless of how nice we can be, sometimes there's moments where we can't bare to look at someone or face someone because of anger or because we are upset. While it would be best to just get up and walk away in these situations, many of us don't. Research tends to say that in stressful situations our bodies prepare us for "fight or flight". In other words, your body gets prepared to do one of two things: 1) Stand tall and face your enemy head-on. 2) Turn the other way and run as fast as you can. Which does it seem like Holden does in chapter 6?
What ends up pushing Holden over the edge? Why does he get so mad over Stradlater simply walking in the door? Why does Holden refuse to stop even when Stradlater gives him a chance to? Do you think you would have reacted the same as him in that situation?
For homework, CHOOSE ONE of the two options below and post your answer in the comments below:
1) When all is said and done, we find Holden on the floor, searching for his hunting cap (which he finds). Why now of all times is Holden trying to find his hat? What does it mean to him here? Do you have an item or activity that you always hold or do when you're feeling upset? If so, what is it and why does it comfort you?
2) What would you do in Holden's situation? If you just had a fist fight with your room-mate (ending in your loss) what would you do from here?
Have a great day everyone! Keep up the great work, and keep being curious! :-)
When Holden and Stradlater had a fist fight, holden was searching for his hunting cap because the red hunting cap makes him relieve and comfort him. After he put the hat on, it makes he comes to his senses.
ReplyDeleteFor me, my mobile phone always makes me relax when i'm feeling upset. It has internet, messanger,games and any other application that makes me feel good.
Choice 2 : if I were a Holden, I might also be upset like him because hitting me makes my man's pride wounded. But before hitting me, Stradlater gives me many requests not to tease him. Even though he hit me, I also have a fault which neglecting his lots of requests.So I want to receive forgiveness to him. But there is big mentally hating between him and I, not talking to him directly, but writing a letter to him about my fault and please get along with him again.
ReplyDeletechoice 1 : In chapter 6, Holden was looking for his hunting cap to put on his head after the fight. The hunting cap helps Holden to relieve stresses that he has and also makes him look awesome. Whenever I upset, I always take a nap. By sleeping, I can throw out all junks in my mind.
ReplyDeleteChoice 1
ReplyDeleteWhile Holden narrated the fight, it was so hurried and not sarcastic as much as he did before. It implies that such egoistic Holden was in trouble, so he couldn't describe the situation, that it led him to his hat which is completely his possession meaning no arguing or no fights would soothe down Holden.
In my case, I tend to overeat when things go wrong way. Eating does really help you to forget temporary angers except any side-effects will be welcomed.
Choice 1: I think Holden's hunting cap is very meaningful to him. He is keep looking for his cap and it means Holden's hat is a kind of special thing that makes him comfortable. It makes him to forget about everything, feelings that were unpleasant. In my circumstances, I hang out with my friends and watch movies whenever I feel upset. Then I feel much better and it makes me to forget about bad things.
ReplyDeleteChoice 2 : If I was Holden, then I would fight until I can't fight for more. As Holden thinks himself as a pacifist, I also am a pacifist. And when a pacifist really goes angry, they usually(well, in my case, I should) fight hard until the end. Because when they fight, it means they can't stand anymore. So if I was in Holden's situation, I would hit Stradlater back and make him apologize.
ReplyDeleteChoice2-I don't like fighting and whatever the reason is, fighting is bad thing. So I would apolize my roommate and try to ask him about Jane calmly.
ReplyDeleteChoice 1: For Holden, the hat is such a cape that hide him from the wild world. In other word, if he is in the hat, he feels the safe and relief. When he is in anger and try to not communicate with outside, he probably find the hat for that. I sleep when I am trying to forget or escape from that difficult situation because sleep is an activity that disconnect you from the world. No one can intrupt you, and no one can argue with you when you sleep.
ReplyDeleteMost people do special things to relieve their own stress and relax themselves. Like this, trying to find his hunting cap is similar to it. It means that hunting cap is special thing to Holden which makes comfortable and relaxed. In my case, I am intent to doing other things that can make me forget the bad situation such as watching movies or playing a computer. Or I go to sleep when I am feeling upset.
ReplyDeleteOption 2). If I had a fist fight with my room-mate, ending my loss, I think I will go out in the room. Because, I was just ashamed that couldn't controll my mind.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Holden, I would fight, too. Because I think Stradlater is untrustworthy based on Holden's saying. And Jane is Holden's old friend who he loves. So I can understand why Holden sock Stradlater. I think that almost every men who are in this situation will be angry and even fight.
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteThe red hunting cap makes him relieved. Also, cap covers one's face. It makes more comfortable and think deeply. For me, when i upset, i find something big and something to embrace. I just want warm and cozy thing. It makes me warm, not hot. At home, i always hold my pillow when i upset. My pillow is big for me and it is really soft. Therefore, while i hold it, i think about why i was upset or what happened to me. It is very good to control my temper.
Choice 1 : I think to him it's kind of a charm. He bought this red hat after he noticed that he had left his fencing teams foil in the train. It was a big deal to Holden and after this accident the red hat caught his eye. So I think unconciously he got habbit to find or rely on this red hat.
ReplyDeleteI have an activity that I do when I feel upset. I write my feeling in my diary. While I'm writing a diary, I feel like i'm freed from my complexed feelings. It really helps me to adjust my emotions.
ReplyDeleteIn my case, I would do the same thing as what Holden did. Although, Holden was too curious about the event between Stradlater and Jane, Stradlater could just tell him about what really happened. However, he did not answer any of his question seriously at all. In addition, I hate people who ignore me, which was exactly what Stradlater did at the begining of the chapter. To sum up, I think Holden did what I would do in that situation.
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteTo Holden, the hunting cap makes him comfortable. Also,if he put on the cap he can hide his face and his feelings. For me, when I was upset I don't hide it I just keep talking to someone else how I feel and why I feel like that and ask for an advises what to do.
Choice 2
ReplyDeleteIf I am in Holden's situation, then I will not fight with Stradlater. Because fighting is not a solution but also have disadvantage every involved people.So when I'm very angry with someone, then I just suppress and wait for big revenge, not a physically fight but have mentally win.
choice 2
ReplyDeleteIf Holden's situation happens to me, I won't be patiently watching it. Stradlater knew that Holden liked Jane, but he actually ignored Holden. Arrogance must be treated by violence. If violence doesn't appropriately work, it has to be constantly continued.
choice 2
ReplyDeleteif i'm in that kind of situation i would go outside and remind the fight situation. after reminding it i think i will regret it definitely.
because eventhough i got really upset about my roommate, he is still my friend and also who start the fight was me
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteHolden found out his hat after the fight. It 's a item that he always holds when he is feeling upset. I also have a item that makes me comfortable.It's a centennial coin.I fiddle the coin when I feel uncomfortable or upset.It is just habit.There is no meaning in fingering the coin.
Choice 2
ReplyDeleteIf i am in the Holden's situation I will fight with stradlater
whatever he has a powerful strength but first Holden's behavior isn't nice but if someone hit me lioke stradlater I will fight
without thinking
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteThe behavior that holden look for the hunting hat is the way to make comfortable himself. After he fought with stradlater, he finally could find his hat under his bed and he wore it. So in that case, the hunting hat is the symbol of comfortable to holden.
What makes me comfortable is MP3 player. When I have a hard time, it gets me a better feeling.
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteThe reason why Holden looks for his hunting hat is because he feel some kind of comfort by wearing it. In the book, Holden horses around with his hat on while talking to Actley. He was relieving stress by horsing.
In my cases the computer makes me comfortable. When I had a blue day, I can just forget everything by relieving stress by computer.
ReplyDeleteWearing the hunting hat is a habit of Holden's. I think it makes Holden feel much more comfortable when he is upset. As Holden has a habbit on controlling himself, I have one, too. Eating a lot make me feel comfortable, because when I eat delicious food, I would forget the complicated feeling.
Choice #1
ReplyDeleteHolden put on his hunting hat after his fight with stradler. This means that his hat has something special that makes Holden feel more relaxed and calmed. Also I thought "hunting" also means something like killing or grabing in Holden's emotions. So When Holden put on his hunting hat he is controlling is bad emotions.
To me, soft drinks are like hunting hat. Whenever I drink it, it makes me feel more smooth and comfortable. The bubble that is inside helps me controll my emotions.
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteHolden usually weared his hunting cap. After fighting with Stradlater, he found the cap and weared. He might think that wearing a hinting cap could hide his feeling.So whenever he felt complex, he looked forward his cap.
In my case, listening music can solve my stresses. When I felt sad, I listen hip-hop or club music. That musics can make me feel high.
Choice 1
ReplyDeleteHolden looks for his red hunting hat, because sometimes he feels gloomy or sadly he loves wearing hunting hat. Hunting hats are long brimmed hat so holden wear hat he can't see nothing. It makes him feel comfortable and relax. I think the hat has long brimmed so he just watch darkness, it makes him relax.
In my cases the elctronic music makes me feel much better. That music have a very strange and noisy sound. So when I depressed about something, then I turn on the music loudly and change my mind.
Choice1 holden use his hats to make his feeling comfortable. When he wears his hat , there will be feeling like relieved because hats can make our sight lower. In my case i play with my dog when i am upset becuase dog is my family and I can trust her.