Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"If you really wanna hear about it..." (pg. 1)

Within the first sixteen pages of Catcher in the Rye, we already get painted a very interesting picture of our main character: Holden Caulfield. He's a character that some readers hold close and dear to their hearts, and a character other people tend to just downright hate. But what does it mean if we say we hate Holden? 

Many writers tend to put some of themselves in their characters: Neil Gaiman says his young adult novel "Coraline" came in part from an experience he had as a child,  Jerry Spinelli says the character Stargirl of his young adult novel "Stargirl" is modeled after his wife, whom to this day he still says is his Stargirl. The Catcher in the Rye is often placed in the same group as these other books. For example here's a few similarities between Holden Caulfield and it's author, J.D. Salinger (without saying too much about how the story goes from here):

Holden Caulfield (One artist's idea or creation of him)
1) Fails out of Pencey Prep, Alkin Hills, and Whooton schools
2) Comes from a wealthy family in NYC
3) Doesn't seem to like people very much.
4) Only did well in English class at Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania

J.D. Salinger (Nice suit jacket!)
1) Was kicked out of several colleges
2) Comes from a family in NYC that owned an import business.
3) Lived his adult life as a recluse (stayed in his house, never left, and was away from people).
4) Started getting into writing and English while attending college in Pennsylvania.

This being said, tonight's homework is to read the first sixteen (16) pages of CITR and answer the following question in the comments section below: What are your first impressions of Holden? Choose an adjective you feel describes him, and then share the adjective followed by a reason why you feel that way (what quote or moment in the first sixteen pages made you feel that way about Holden?)
For example, you may want to think about the following formula for your comment setup:

Adjective (1-2 Words):  Reason/Quote or moment from text (3-4 sentences)

Have a great day, you readers of a rambunctious rabble-rouser! Keep smiling and take it easy.


  1. Awkward :Firstly, almost at the end of the conversation with professor Spenser who is worried and anxious about Holden, Holden said to him that he's just going through the phases right now. In my opinion it's not simple to express his present situation like that. He might ruin his life and become a beggar or he'll might never have a chance to study in university. Furthermore, I felt that he's just "living" without any goals in his life and to make matters worse he doesn't seem like enjoying his life neither. In addtion, while I was reading this book I turly wanted to hit him because of his easygoing lifestyle.

    1. I agree that Holden has many problem whereas it is brave to break the rules we accept in everyday life.
      Have you ever felt that you wanna go out of school and have fun by realizing an impulse?

    2. Of course I do. I think not only me but who suffered harsh life might wants to escape from it.......but, actually I've never get out of compass. Sometimes I regret that I don't have any experience like having a train trip without permission or playing with friend instead of going to school.

      Thank you for your the way what class are you in?

  2. rude:No matter what the position a person is, even though Holden is a little polite to Spencer, he is very mannerless whoever he hate them. He uses many bad slangs like a goddam, ass or something else to degrade teacher, headmaster and parent. That looks like very rude. Secondly, when it comes to the impolite writing in Egyptian test, I think that he deserves it to be flunked.

  3. In my point of view, Holden was overall depressed kid. first of all, he was desparately hate phonies. On the middle of Chapter 2, Holden described that he quitted two schools only because there were bunch of phonies who was eyesore to him. Secondly, he was not the type of man who loves to crowding around, according to the middle of chapter 1 when every students went to cheer up their team but him. Lastly, he was not an enthusiastic student who study hard for the academic achievement. At page 4 and 11 indicates that he gave up 4 courses and exams and did not even cared. Thus, I guess Holden was a negative-minded kid.

  4. Disrespectful: Holden is keep complaining inwardly whenever Mr. Spencer says about something which is useful to Holden. According to what he says, “I wanted to get the hell out of the room”, he is not very satisfied with Mr. Spencer’s behavior. In addition, I think Holden is not interested in his life. I don’t think he feels any fun and he got some huge problems in his life while living because he is failing four classes out of five. That shows Holden is not trying hard to manage his life.

  5. In my opinion, the suitable adjective to describe Holden is IMMATURE. When he talks or says what he really thinks, you can easily find his rough speaking skills like '-and all'. Also, reading "If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, all right-I''ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? Nothing. No game." could imply that Holden doesn't have a fully developed perspective which explains why he is wandering-he had dropped out of school. In other words, being a hot-shot is to be egoistic for him.

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  8. Craven: In my opinion, Holden is craven as well as deceitful. He is actually intelligent and of course he could pass the examination if he tries a bit. However, he refused to study and just gave up right away. I felt he just doesn't want to be hurt or disappointed in adult's world,therefore he protects himself by acting silly and being a wayward boy.

  9. double-sided : At page 9, Holden admit that he is seventeen now, but sometimes he acts like he is thirteen or twelve, and agonizes about that character. On this page, I felt he is thoughtful. However, at page 12, Holden write a letter that he doesn't have any interesting in Egyptians and send that letter to Mr. Spencer, who teach Egyptians to Holden. On this page, I felt he is rude

  10. I think Holden takes small things too serious. What I mean is that Holden cares about things strongly while others don't. For example, the Pency Prep school always advertise a picture with horses on it. Actually, there aren't any. Who cares? But Holden seriously complains that that the school is so pony. Furthermore, in the Mr. Spencer part, Spencer said "Absolutely nothing"(p10) only for 2times. That trival thing drove him crazy. In my case, my mother says the same word at least 3times but I don't get mad for it.

  11. Sarcastic: He is just a high school student. He had a tough life: kicked out of 2 another high schools, Pushed into prep school by his parents. He definitely has some complaints because the life he Ha is not his life. I mean, all the adults make him study and follow order, but he doesn't want that. he lie and be mean to avoid from someone who disrupt his life.
    Same thing happens to teenagers because their ideal world and the reality is not the same. Parents want them study harder and harder, but teens doesn't want to. They just want to enjoy life. Then, they lie and become mean to parents.

  12. Drastic : In my case, I think he is really drastic man whether his decision is good or not. If I were him, I never act like that because it is too dangerous. But sometimes like steve jobs, drop out in school is not a big problem.Also Holden have lots of worthness thing owe to fails out of Pencey Prep. So My first impression about him is drastic.

  13. extreme ; I think Holden is extreme to decide his life and way. He ignored Mr. Spencer's advice and kept complaining as well as thought his opinion is always all right and the best. Also, he did not tried to think other side and care about being kicking out his school. But i can understand his attitude because he is not a mature adult and just a student. In addition, that period can makes him acts like that.

  14. Negative : In my case, I think he is negative man. In the book he talk negative. He doesn't like his school and friends. After he met Mr. Spencer's, he ignored Spencer. He carry last term 5 subjects but he got a fail 4 subjects. He neglect his schoolwork but he make an excuse, he doesn't admit his result. I know why he talks rudely and doesn't admit his mistake. He thinks schoolwork doesn't interesting and why study hard. This situation, we knowing he is negative

  15. Lethargic : His situation is serious and not good. He is kicke out of school. But he has no idea of that. When he is talking woth old Spencer, he do not concentrate in conversation. He has no desire to change his attitude but, continues complaining all the time.

    1. I did some mistakes at spelling, so i write again.
      Lethargic : His situation is serious and not good. He is kicked out of school. But he has no idea of that. When he is talking with old spencer, he do not concentrate in conversation. He has no desire to change his attitude but, continued complainig all the time

  16. You guys are really analyzing Holden well! It's good to see this, and you guys commenting on each other's posts. It helps keeps things lively.

    Something interesting to think about, if you scan through the adjectives a lot of you are using (which are quite good ones might I add!), almost all of you have chosen negative adjectives to describe Holden. Meaning even though you guys are all using different adjectives to describe him, there seems to be a similarity between your responses :-).

    Something else to get you thinking: many of us complain about Holden, but don't we sometimes do the exact same things we are yelling at him about? For example, some of you mention how Holden ignores the comments Mr. Spencer gives him, but isn't it the same when we daydream or stop paying attention during class? :-)

  17. deficient; I think that HOLDEN CAULFIELD has many deficiency in many sides. For example, he got outof the dormatory and this means that he lack a higher communication skill and also knowledge to understand the world. This also can be found in a part where he disobeys with Mr.spensor.

  18. Egocentric : He always sees a world only one view. He thinks a world is full of negative things. Thats why he changes his school.
    And in the story, He says he doesn't like principal's affectation but he also doing it! He says to his teacher differently with his inner mind.

  19. Typical; Holden caulfield is a totally typical teenager. As other usual teenagers in this planet, he hates school,not interested in studying and hates to hearing nagging. I can identify holden's situation and his feeling. How holden feel is common things in this ages. He is typical students as we are.

  20. I want to describe that Holden is too rude but some of his thinking is cool. First, he has double-sidedness. He did very kind to Mr. Spencer. However it was just not his real mind. In his inner mind he always thought that ' Mr. Spencer maybe shout to me about my exam score and I really hate it.'.
    But in other point of view, Holden is cool because he did not really care about his school. In his mind, life goes on and on.

  21. immature: Holden Caulfield is 17 years old.Guys in this age usually throw attitude.He never stop to blame other people; parent, brother and Mr spencer.He should change his perception of the world to positively and be practical.

  22. Self-centered: He always thinks about himself, but not the others. When he did not bring the fencing team's equipments, he did not feel guilty about it. Furthemore, while the professor talks and gives words to Holden, he did not even listen to him. Finally, he was very negative on everything except himself such as the way how he thinks about the headmaster.

  23. childish; What I think about Holden, is that he behaves like a child. When we think of a child, we can easily find out that a child doesn't behave politely all the time and sometimes he only stays in his world, not listening to other people. As I read 16 pages, it seemed Holden was behaving like a child to me. He wasn't polite, his thoughts weren't nice, and he didn't try to listen to what Mr. Spencer said.

  24. Egocentric or selfish , i think holden always consider about the world on his point of view. And he really dissatisfy the world where he lives. In his opinion, the world hates him and he hates the world.

  25. Ambivalent; I think he is ambivalent. He always thinks negative and looks things badly. Also he doesn't care about his school although he expelled from school. But in the other hand, he actually trys to keep acting politely to Mr.Spencer.

  26. Resistant; I think that main character,Holden, have a hard time to figure out with the society and world he live in. It's like the way that teenagers express their feeling and thinking. For example, holden got kicked out from his school because he had some trouble to follow the rules that school have. Banning the rules can explained by resistant. That's why i choose this adjective.

  27. ill manner; i think holden does not care about what other people thinks. He just seemed so selfish that he nelgleted what teacher said and he did not listen to others. But on the other side I think I can understand him because he is yet child. And I think his behavior could be fixed.

  28. Poor. Though people judge him as a rebel, I'll say we all did the similar things when we were about Holden's age and we're doing now. I could feel sympathy for him. I could understand him. He's still growing. Which means, he's immature or innocent. We can see he's innocence when he was talking about his brother. He admired him, but after watching he's brother's change, he disappointed. We can check how poor he is and how similar as we are or were.

  29. Rude: I think students should not be rude to teacher. However Holden, unlike other students, talks to his teacher rudely. We can also find it on page 12. Holden says to Mr. Spencer, "It is all right with me if you flurk me..."

  30. Disrespectful:I think holden is so disrespectful guy.. when spencer was worried about holden's future but holden didn't hearing spencer's comment and dont care about his future one of my hope is holden should be show respectful behavior around him

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