"When the character of a man is not clear to you...look to his friends" -Japanese Proverb
We all require friendships in our lives. A social life is essential to a long life, to relieving stress, and to our overall happiness. However, up to this point in Catcher in the Rye, it almost seemed as if Holden can't stand most of his "friends". Not to mention that he doesn't usually have many good things to say about them. For example, Holden gets very, very picky/upset over even the SMALLEST of things that Ackley and Stradlater do.
This being said, when Stradlater suggests Holden go meet her, he backs down. He shies away from seeing someone he actually gets happy about. This almost feels like it goes against everything we just thought about how Holden feels about her...
This being said, for homework I want you to read Chapter 4 of Catcher in the Rye and then do the homework assignment below based on the group you were assigned in class.
Spades: What reasons could Holden have for shying away from seeing Jane Gallagher when he seems so interested in knowing she's there? (4-5 Sentences)
Diamonds (It looks long, but it's not! Don't worry!:-P) : We know Holden can get angry about the smallest details in some of his friends (Ackley/Stradlater), but yet he loves some of the smallest details about things that Jane does. Choose one of the things Holden mentions about Jane Gallagher in Chapter 4 and explain why you believe it is something that Holden would hate if one of his other friends did, but really likes it when Jane does it. Note: There are only a couple of these in chapter 4. So if you are having trouble coming up with an original response, comment on someone else's response from your group instead by providing additional support or your own explanation. (3-4 Sentences)
Hearts: Find a song or poem you believe describes how Holden might feel about Jane Gallagher. You may choose one in English or Korean, but if you choose one in Korean, make sure you explain the song or provide an English translation of the lyrics (I need to make sure you're not just giving me a random song that's not related :-P). Be sure to explain why you feel it shows how Holden feels. Post a link to the lyrics/song below with your explanation. (3-4 Sentences)
Clubs: Based on how Holden has described Stradlater, find a picture of someone on line that you think matches how Holden wants us to picture him. Be sure to provide an explanation for why you feel it accurately shows how Holden wants us to see/think of Stradlater (3-4 Sentences).
Have a great night everyone! Don't forget we have a quiz on previewing/critical thinking on Thursday. Keep smiling. :-)
Hearts: The most proper sentence I think is " Can't I go to the past?", song in 해를품은달 drama. When Holden listen to Stradlater about Jane Gallagher, he reminds a memory which related to Jane. It means that he has a good impression to her. In a circumstance that he has little friend, he wants to go to the time that he had a good friendship with her.
ReplyDeletediamonnds: The one thing Holden mention about Jane is that she's a dancer and worrying about her legs getting lousy. I believe this is the thing that Holden would hate when other friends do but Jane. Because if Holden see his friends like Ackley and Stradlater doing ballet and caring about their legs not to become thick, it would be the disgusting scenes to see. So I guess this is the fact that Holden would want to see from Jane and not from his friends.
ReplyDeleteSpades: I think Holden is very interested in Jane Gallagher and he wants to know about what she is doing every single time, but he is too shy about meeting Jane. First, he got kicked out of school which Holden might want to hide it and Jane doesn't know about the truth. Also, Jane is dating with Stradlater. That's the reason Holden is being shy.
ReplyDeleteHearts : I MISS YOU and I want you to know that you are never more than a moment away from my thoughts and my heart.//When his rommate said to Holden that he's going to meet Jane Gallagher, he is felt excited and nervous. And he thought about Jane and wants to know how her is. So I think Holden missed Jane.
ReplyDeleteDiamonds; Holden mentioned that Jane Gallagher have told him that she will go to Shipley and so he thought Jane was living in Shipley. If Holden's friends, Ackley or Stradlater, have told Holden that they are gonna live in Shipley but they met in other place Holden would hate those guys.
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ReplyDeleteHearts : I chose 'say you love me' by M.Y.M.P.
ReplyDelete"More than just your friend
Holding hands is fine
But I got better things on my mind"
These lyrics are the reason why I chose this song. I felt that holden have some kind of similar feeling like this. There are some sentences that made me so sure about this.
First thing is when Holden heard about her name he said "Jane Gallagher, Jesus H. Christ" and also the narration shows that he couldn't get over his mind about her.
Secondly, he keeps reminding about memories that he spent with her or about her. Such as, playing checkers with her or talks about her mother that she was in the same golf club with him, about her family story that their parents were divorced...etc.
Lastly, this clue is not in the book. It's about my experience also, it will be your experience too. When we get some good feelings to someone don't know when but, we already know much about her or him because we became interested in her or him. Moreover I might be wrong but, what Holden is doing(reminding about her) is the perfect evidence that he loves her. As a result, I think Holden have some emotion in his mind as I did and as you guys did. so, I chose this song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKGmkJJFWrQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player (original version)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3E5QBmB2GQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player (IU version)
Hearts : I want to describe Holden with the korean song "좋은 사람". It's lyrics about a man who love a girl. But she has a boy friend, so he can't do anything to her. The song's main lyrics is "if i can see you, i'm fine although i am alone. i am always at your back and staring you, that is my duty." I think the situation, which Holden likes Jane but she has a boyfriend, so he can't do anything, is suitable with "좋은사람".
ReplyDeleteI think why holden is shy for meeting is because he loved her. And another reason i think is just a feeling that is inconvinient for meet old friend. So he hasn't been ready to meet her yet. Furthermore, holden can't trust stradlater, so holden feels unstable. I think it is all reason.
ReplyDeleteHolden might think it is little shame that he was kicked out of his schoo and wnat to hide that secret. So he didn't want to see Jane Gallagher. However, he actually wanted to see Jane because he didn't meet Jane after his move. He really wanted to meet Jane but the shaming mind was bigger.
"Firework" by Katy Perry.
The lyrics is about fire work. Katy Perry says every person is a firework that shines bright when it is ignited. Holden's mind is like a firework. He needs an ignite which can start the firework. Jane is such an ignite because she is special for Holden.
ReplyDeleteI think, at first maybe Holden was happy to see a girl who once played with him. However, Holden could've ashamed himself to go out and meet her himself. Maybe because he's kicked out from the school and he just doesn't want her to know her. But also, since he knows her childhood, which perhaps made him difficult to have a conversation with her.
ReplyDeleteAt first, Holden was so excited about hearing his old friend Jane from Stadely and wanted to meet her. However, he then somekind of shied away saying a silly excuse; "I am not in the mood."
I think Holden is jealous about Stadely meeting Jane. In the book, you can feel that Holden likes Jane. And Stadely is described as he meets many girls, and handsome. Those factors might had made Holden jealous Stadely. I consider that's why Holden also described the downsides of Stadely.
Or Holden is so introverted person that he has no zealous to meet her.
ReplyDeleteThe picture : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Benczur-narcissus.jpg
This picture is discribing the "Narcissism". The man in this picture has a famous story. He fell in love with the reflection of himself on the river. I think that Holden thinks Stralater like this. Holden discribes him "he was madly in love with himself". Also he mentions that he doesn't care much about other's situation and he only cares about his own appearance.
ReplyDeleteI think Holden loved her.
Because he remember all about her even specific things.
But now, stradlater will meet her and Holden thinks it's too late to meet her.So he couldn't get there and just gives up her and just concerns about her because of stradlater's strong sexual appetite.
ReplyDeleteI think holden wants us to think Stradlater as "dirty person" like Ackley. you can see Stradlater's razor always rusty as hell and full of lather and hairs and crap that's the reason why i think Stradlater is dirty person Second I think Stradlater is so swagger person because he is very proud of her face
This picture is red apple. It looks very delicious and fresh. However, we can notice that the apple is rotten after one bite. Holden thinks Stradlater is neat and clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. People cannot know when they just see him. But holden who have experience to bite the apple named Stradlater knows the apple is rotten.
Holden want to describe Stradlater as "Double-sidedness" person. Because people who meet Stradlater very first, they might think "Stradlater is clean and fly boy". However real Stradlater is who love girls and always go out with girls. stradlater often set back his homework and go out with girls. Also he looks like s gentleman but he only has a interest in sexual things. "Double-sidedness" is what Holden want us to picture about Stradlater.
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ReplyDeleteIn chapter 4, Holden reacted like he knows everything about Jane Gallagher and he also said all the details that he and Jane done in the past. I think that he used to have crush on her. He said " She's a dancer, Ballet and all.I used to play checkers with her all the time. She wouldn't move any of her kings. What she'd do, whom she'd get a king, she wouldn't move it."(Pg31). Holden would hate it If Ackley or Stradlater doing ballet or playing checker with him because he will think it's ridiculous to play with them rather than Jane. Also he doesn't really trust those two guys, he only thinks that they're just people who annoys him. Since he has a good memories of Jane, he'll just likes whatever she's doing.
ReplyDeleteholden was a golf club caddie and jane's mother was his customer
her mother rounded 9 holes in 3 hours and that could be hard for holden but holden never says i was annoyed by her mother
so i think if his customer was other friend's parent holden will definitely say it was a horrible experience
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ReplyDeleteDiamond :
ReplyDeleteIf Ackley or Stradlater's dog used to keep coming over Holden's room, He might kick the dog.He let the dog come over the room just because He crushed on Jane Gallagher.It seems like he knew evething about her.
Hearts :
ReplyDeleteI choose a song 'If i ever feel better' sung by Pheonix. In this song, there is a person who keeps complaining and is in bad conditions. But only one person who he loves can control that guy of the song. I feel this song' story and condition are similar to Holden's. Also it can explain well Holden's feeling, thought and attitude to Jane.
ReplyDeleteI chose a k-pop '그xx' the artist is G-Dragon. The lyrics about some guys love story. He loves one girl but she has boyfriend. Her boyfriend is play boy so he always worry about her love. I think holden has same feeling this song. This song is really resembles his situation. Holden know about Jane and Stradlater so he worried their love. It seems he jealous to stradlater.
In this picture, you can see a guy is staring another guy disgustingly. In other words, he is envying. A guy who is stared must be a skillful or famous guy. Similarly, Holden envies Stradlater. Holden has loved Jane for a long time but couldn't express his feeling due to timidness. As a contrast, Stradlater is very brave and conceit guy. Holden described him as really brilliant and nice guy but he actually envy him. So Holden may wants us to picture him as this way.
ReplyDeleteI think it is usual that envying someone else’s strong points which makes you keep finding weak points of others. Maybe that is why Holden is trying to contrast Stradlater’s two aspects-how he looks like and how he behaves. Holden agrees that Stradlater has a good looking appearance whereas he reveals Stradlater’s bad sanitary condition.http://imagesearch.naver.com/search.naver?sm=ext&viewloc=1&where=idetail&rev=17&query=%EC%97%84%ED%83%9C%EC%9B%85%ED%94%BC%EB%B6%80§ion=image&sort=0&res_fr=0&res_to=0&start=25&ie=utf8&img_id=cafe24701591%7C36%7C27_1&face=0&color=0&ccl=0&viewtype=0&aq=0&spq=1&nx_search_query=%EC%97%84%ED%83%9C%EC%9B%85%ED%94%BC%EB%B6%80&nx_and_query=&nx_sub_query=&nx_search_hlquery=&nx_search_fasquery=Therefore, I chose this picture. This actor is very charismatic and handsome in the movies, however, he often ends up being easy when it comes to starring on variety programs. It matches Stradlater’s double sided character and just like people are more interseted in celebs’ covered private life, Holden wants to discolse Stradlater’s secret that S is a secret slob.
ReplyDeleteHolden know that jane is good at playing games. He remember the thing that jane likes to place the king in not moving. If that Ackley or Stradler doing like her he might not be pleased. Because that thing was the only thing that jane does when play the game.
In this picture, Holden is the man at the back with weak and skinny body. Stradlater is the one who is muscular and strong guy who is much more handsome than Holden. As you see Holden in that picture it is the same face when he envy Stradlater for being too perfect, but he knows that there is a dark side of him. One of those dark side is that he always shaves with the shaver that his hair is stuck in it.
heart: I MISS YOU this song is appropriate for holden and jane. Because Holden had a good feeling about Jane. and even holden loved her. Unfortunately she has a boyfriend. and the song I chose is appropriate for holden because he misses jane.
ReplyDeletecan i get your email adress please?
DeleteAre you talking to me, Ki Yoon? lol. If yes, it's bcolmerauer@yahoo.com
DeleteSpade: In my opnion, Holden secretly liked Jane in the past, and he also ha interest about her now. I think he loved her, but he was timid to tell her that he loves her and then she left. Now, he knows that she is not far from him. So he is curious how she is these days, and wonder she remembers him or not. However, He has not enough courage to meet her again.
ReplyDeleteI appologize for late homework.